序号 | 姓名 | 论文名称 | 期刊名 | 论文检索系统 |
1 | 朱逸 | 社交媒体广告:感知价值、消费者共创与购买意愿探究——基于“SEM+机器学习”的分析策略 | 管理现代化 | 北大中文核心 |
2 | 朱逸 | 数字时代企业与顾客品牌价值共创机制研究 | 价格理论与实践 | 北大中文核心 |
3 | 田满文 | A simplified economic model and case study for recovery ventilation based on SPECO method | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | SCIE |
4 | 尚斌 | Green Tollways: Strategizing Carbon-Emissions-Based Government-Owned Public Toll Road Operations in China | Sustainability | SSCI |
5 | 张秀梅 | 数字普惠金融对农业信贷配给的影响及机制分析 | 投资研究 | 北大中文核心 |
6 | 贾永彬 | Digital innovations in higher education management and mechanisms for high-quality training of students | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | EI |
7 | 郭薇 | A novel ensemble approach for estimating the competency of bank telemarketing | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | SCI |
8 | Tabi Fouda Bernard Marie | Research on key technology to determine the exact maximum allowable current-carrying ampacity for submarine cables | Optics & Laser Technology | SCI |
9 | 郑光远 | Acceleration and deceleration control algorithm of CNC system based on deep neural network reinforcement learning and MCU | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | SCI |
10 | 宋纯花 | 基于人工智能的深度神经网络优化英语机器翻译 | 现代电子技术 | 北大中文核心 |
11 | BERNARD MARIE TABI FOUDA | Research on Key Factors to Determine the Corrected Ampacity of Multicore Photoelectric Composite Cables | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL | SCI-II区(科学引文索引) |
12 | 白靖 | HitSim: An Efficient Algorithm for Single-Source and Top-k SimRank Computation | Information | EI-JA(工程索引) |
13 | 王丽 | Effect of the Monetary Policy in the United States on the International Share of the U.S. Dollar: 1914–1945 | Panoeconomicus | SSCI-IV区(科学引文索引) |
14 | 朱逸 | 以质性为主的混合研究方法实践探索 | 科学与社会 | 人大复印资料转载 |
15 | 朱逸 | 叙事魔力:何以触发网络直播购物的冲动购买行为—基于SOR与ELM理论模型的结合 | 兰州学刊 | CSSCI扩 |
16 | 王双 | 企业ESG报告鉴证的国际经验借鉴及启示 | 财会通讯 | 北大中文核心 |
17 | 李夌 | Application of Hierarchical Analysis of the Efficacy of Digital Resource Integration in Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | EI-JA(工程索引) |
18 | 孟姗姗 | The multi-visit drone-assisted routing problem with soft time windows and stochastic truck travel times | Transportation Research Part B: Methodological | SSCI-I区(科学引文索引) |
19 | 钱雪雯 | 秘鲁粉色蛋白石的物相组成及颜色成因 | 岩石矿物学杂志 | CSCD |
20 | 朱玉 | The Integration and Design of Green Concept in Jewelry under the Background of Information Technology | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | EI-JA(工程索引) |
21 | 黄昊源 | Creative Transformation and Value Realization of Artificial Intelligence in Jewelry Design Field | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | EI-JA(工程索引) |
22 | 位霞丽 | Simulation Analysis of 3D Animation Enhanced Image Processing Effect Based on Collaborative CAD | U-tum Press LLC | EI-JA(工程索引) |
23 | 李艳 | 市场型环境规制对绿色技术创新的影响研究——基于中国碳排放权交易试点准自然实验的证据 | 技术经济与管理研究 | 北大中文核心 |
24 | 李艳 | Environmental Benefit Analysis of Social Responsibility Practices in Information Technology Companies | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | EI-JA(工程索引) |
25 | 焦丽 | 面向英语实践能力的精准化教学定位与路径探索 | 应用数学与自然科学 | EI-JA(工程索引) |
26 | 周杨 | Analysis of Japanese Translation Skills Based on the Perspective of Multimedia Cultural Differences | APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND NONLINEAR SCIENCES | EI-JA(工程索引) |
27 | 王慧 | Behavioral prediction and health benefit evaluation of leisure sports activities based on multi-physiological characteristics analysis 第一作者 | Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics | EI-JA(工程索引) |
28 | 诸方淳 | 教学人类学视角下中学数学教师信息化教学探究 | 数学教育学报 | CSSCI扩 |
29 | 陈苏婷 | Medical and nursing students’ satisfaction with e-learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic: Initial findings of an experimental project in China | Heliyon | SCI-III区(科学引文索引) |
30 | 孙文峰 | Hermite-Hadamard Type inequalities and convex functions in signal processing | IEEE ACESS | SCI-III区(科学引文索引) |
31 | 童年 | Developing a Digital Based Cross-Cultural Knowledge Teaching System for Japanese Majors in Colleges and Universities using Big Data Technology | Computer-Aided Design & Applications | EI-JA(工程索引) |
32 | 张郢格 | 《丑角的游戏:戏曲传承与发展的一种路径——以<徐九经升官记><巴山秀才>为主要观察对象》 | 戏剧文学 | 北大中文核心 |
33 | 张郢格 | 主旋律题材戏曲剧作技法探究 | 四川戏剧 | 北大中文核心 |
34 | 伍俊 | 社会主义女性主义: 当代中国女性电影批评的新发展 | 上海大学学报(社会科学版) | CSSCI |
35 | 张文青 | A novel fast and chattering-free speed control method for PMSM motor drive based on sliding mode control | International Journal of Dynamics and Control | EI-JA(工程索引) |
36 | 吴祥 | Effect of laser energy density on microstructure and critical current of YGBCO and HGBCO films fabricated by PLD | Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications | SCI-III区(科学引文索引) |